If you’re salivating over these DJ stands chances are you’ve already invested a good amount of money on a pair of turntables, a mixer, some monitors and your music collection, but have paid little attention to your actual workstation. When you get to that point in life when that crappy IKEA table just won’t cut it any longer this is what moving up looks like. Useful, stylish, inspired, thought provoking—we doubt we’ll see anything better in the foreseeable future. All of Reynold Rodriguez designed tables are available in various exotic woods and can be completely customized to your liking. Simple put, this is what DJ furniture as extreme visual stimuli looks like. I believe this Puerto Rico based industrial/furniture designer has just dealt his contemporaries the world over a trump card. Spacetek has them for sale here in the US, but as you can imagine work like this comes at a price. If you can afford it why not? Personally I’d like to rock those retro motorcycle goggles a post below while playing records on this table at home. Just at home, though.
Peep some more of his DJ stand designs after the jump…
Can you tell me if i could buy this item?
dj table disco
What is the price for this item?
many thanks and kind regards
Anton vd Kooi
(DJ Deatone)
the Netherlands
May i get more details i would like to buy this table for home
Thank u
they are atleast 3500$
Hi Jeff. 350$0 sounds good, the only problem is that i need them in Russia, any ideas with this? Is shipping alright for them? and will i be able installing em myself?
Where is this Dj table coming from?
I have a used one for sale… Two turntables and cdjs one! Bought a storage filled with a lot of high end furniture from a closed bar in San Francisco!! Willing to sell