28 Aug
A mobile garden on wheels


I wish I had the time and the space to grow my own food in the city. I’ve gotta admit, “Urban farmer” has a nice ring to it. I’m a fairly environmentally conscious guy too and I like most vegetables (except broccoli…it kinda smells like garbage, if you ask me). Given the fact that I can’t even keep houseplants alive, growing my own food isn’t really an option. I’d starve. But I love the idea, which is why I hit up the farmers market here in Hollywood just about every Saturday. If you’re NOT like me, though, and you do have the time, the motivation and the skill, find some inspiration in this new Truck Farm film, and food project. It’s all about one Brooklyn guy’s mission to turn his old gray Dodge pickup truck into a mobile farm. Guy literally turned his truck into a mobile farm by combing green roof technology, organic compost and some heirloom seeds. They set up a solar-powered time-lapse cameras to monitor the crops’ progress throughout the summer. It’s pretty rad watching the food grown and how this all came together. The film is available on DVD. You can pick it up for $20 and with your purchase you also get to take part, assuming you’re in the Brooklyn area, in the WD Truck Farm Summer Picnic…with you guessed it, the produce grown on the truck. Here’s the film broken up into two videos—make the jump to see part two. Find out more about the film and project here.

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