8 Jun
Daisy Lowe for British Esquire

It’s hard to believe Gavin Rossdale (yes, the Bush singer) has a daughter old enough for make our heads turn, but alas that’s the way life goes — quickly. Shot by photographer Greg Williams for British Esquire, British model Daisy Lowe shows why she’s managed to roll a C+ minor pedigree into a full-time modeling gig. She’s not remarkably beautiful per se, but she does have an unmistakable sexuality that you either got or ya don’t. She got. Take a moment to peep the video below, if the idea of a girl dancing around in her underpants does anything for you. A NSFW gallery also presented (because we love you, of course) after the Jump…

via Swipelife

No Responses to “Because We Love You, vol 12”

  1. Kdog says:

    Yup. This is like going through my dad’s Penthouses all over again. If the interwebz had existed when I was 13 I would have rubbed my pee pee into oblivion over this.

  2. […] on Saturday including Public Enemy, Matt & Kim, Cobra Starship, She Wants Revenge, Bush (aka Daisy Lowe‘s daddy) and a ton of acts at the clubs lining the strip. We’ll be at the festival on […]

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