23 Jun
Australia's psychedelic dream pop trio drop self-titled EP

Hailing from the eastern shores of Sydney, Australia, Sherlock’s Daughter‘s psychedelic twist on the dream pop sound immerses you into a world of lush, melancholic thoughts. Led by Tanya Horo, the frontwoman’s angelic, at times twee voice is backed by two bandmates bound to create a soundscape that matches her melodies — one often flourished with long spiraling codas, folk touches and backcountry tribal rhythms. Now relocated and living in New York City, the trio just released their eponymous debut EP and have recently finished up a residency at the Knitting Factory. If you want to buy Sherlock’s Daughter’s EP, find it here.

Allow me to introduce myself, I’m…
Tanya Horo from Sherlock’s Daughter

You can find me…
In NYC, usually posted up at Knitting Factory as of late!

You might’ve heard of me because…
I make really good Chicken Pasta, and play quite a bit around NYC with my band Sherlock’s Daughter, and I get quite loud when I’ve been drinking and generally the only person around with a thick kiwi accent.

But why you really should know me is…
Because Sherlock’s Daughter are doing an Album!

My next order of business is…
We’ve just released our (self-titled) debut EP which is exciting for us, and I make really good chicken Pasta!

If it wasn’t for my impulsive Aries nature and Chris Howard I wouldn’t be where I am today

I hate to admit it, but I almost gave music up when…
I realized I couldn’t play the guitar or sing very well…but I persevered and got no where! No just kidding, I always think of quitting and becoming a nice stable white picket house type person, but lets me honest, I never will. Music is like your genetics, it’s just in your blood. But it all came together when we got off stage and none of us fought. That was when we knew we’d done something together that made sense. Ha ha — we really had a good teething period as a band, but that was the best stage, when Gray didn’t walk offstage because he couldn’t remember his part, the guitar amp not blowing up, and my vocals not distorting — priceless when it all came together.

Continue reading our Q&A with Tanya Horo of Sherlock’s Daughter after the Jump…

“Music is like your genetics, it’s just in your blood…

The first piece of music I heard that I remember waking up my ears was…
Eurythmics’ “Running Away From You” on a jungle gym, in a school yard. Magic.

The last piece of music I heard that woke up my ears is…
Iannis Xenakis, “La Legend d’Eer”

If I was taking a train from Paris to Madrid, the one person I’d want to share the cabin with would be…
I’d love to share my train with Dr. Ben Carson. He became famous I believe after separating conjoined twins at birth, and he’s also an incredible neurosurgeon and has some of the most compassionate eyes I’ve ever seen in a human being. He’d be pretty fascinating!

If you want to put a smile on my face, you probably want to…
Stitch up your cut.

If you want to wipe that smile away, then you should…
Pierce your scab.

The last time I saw the sun come up…
It was this morning when I woke up at 6am because my new kitty dropped a dead fly on my face. True.

The person I admire most is…
Graeme because he puts up with my shit (guitarist)

The last time I lied was…
Right now about Graeme ….

If you hit shuffle on my iPod you might be shocked to find that…
It’s not mine and you’ll probably be accused of theft, as I don’t own one!

If you hit shuffle on my iPod I’d be embarrassed if it landed on…
Well let’s pretend I have one, probably John Mayer. I personally have an affection for John Mayer; he helped me win a lot of AOE games when I was stuck in my house for a year.

When I get my first really big check, I’m gonna go score…
A Gleeman Pentaphonic Synth — see-through.

But it’ll never replace my…

My one magic power is…
Telepathy… true story.

I’d like to give a quick shout-out to…
The world… Everyone  — hello!!!!

And lastly, If I was Lost In a Supermarket, you’d find me…
Wherever the dried cranberries are!

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