Will, an eccentric family man who left his past life in Theater to craft leather goods, has turned his attention from more expected items like bags and belts to focus on leather-binding bicycles. Crafted lovingly by hand, seven bikes will be released throughout 2014, each being one of a kind. The first in the aptly named “One-of-a-Kind Bicycle Series” shown here lends a taste of the Old West to a 1940’s-style cruiser. Notable features are two embossed, Western-rider inspired saddle bags, and the hand-stitched bridle leather on the handle bars. Contact that Flagship Store in Venice, California if you’re looking to drop $10,000 on a bike. Or check out bike #2 with its Oaxacan finishings, also going for $10,000 at the New York Store; unbelievably so, test drives are available for either bike.

Sneak a peek Will’s Leather Goods one-of-a-kind bike #2 below…

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