Now you don’t have to wait for the cancer to regress. Just follow the trail of good blue stuff right into the seedy bowels of your toy box. There you’ll find Heisenburg, the cartel, the DEA, Hank and the whole fun-romping Breaking Bad gang! This August, you’ll have your pick at 10 variations of the […]
Eva Green is a French-born twin-sister-having starlet, which means she already has enough built-in femme factors to provide a forest full of wood. But now, let’s add her visibility that’s got her scandalous Sin City 2 poster rejected by the MPAA. Apparently those self-proclaimed judges of propriety got wild upon the site of her underboob, in conjunction […]
Japanese artist Hiroto Ohkubo of INSTINCTOY has given his own particular twist to the Bad Apple figure, lending it his trademark spray can drips also seen in GOIN’s original bad apple artwork. The result is a twisted take on Snow White, rendered with anarchist’s mask and quite tempting grenade substituted for her legendary apple. The […]
In typical esoteric aplomb, Breaking Bad teases its upcoming final (half) season by having Heisenberg read a portion of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s famous poem “Ozymandias”. The poem — which portends the decline and eventual disintegration of all great empires — seems especially fitting for the final eight episodes of creator Vince Gilligan’s epic tale of […]
The cleverly dubbed Moderat — the profound collaboration between bass gods Modeselektor (Gernot Bronsert and Sebastian Szary) and vocalist Apparat (Sascha Ring) — is about to come out with a new album, II, due August 6 on Mute. Their Pfadfinderei directed and produced music video “Bad Kingdom” tells “a story of corruption and greed” via beautiful hand-drawn illustrations, […]
M.I.A. rarely disappoints with her videos, ranging from the future retro of “XXXO” to the ultra violence of “Born Free” to the sheer awesomemess of “Bad Girls”. Now the Sri Lankan-via-London pop star posts her latest visual expression for “Bring The Noize”, the first single from her upcoming 4th studio album Matangi, unfortunately without the guiding […]
One of our favorite daily reading websites is without a doubt Grantland. Founded and helmed by Bill Simmons — author of Now I Can Die In Peace, The Book Of Basketball and a sports writer without equal — Grantland serves as the nexus of where sports collides with pop culture, and explodes in a fireworks […]
Kids is one of those movies that’s a total anomaly, in that as great and seminal as it is none of the creative forces behind it ever did anything else worth a damn. Sure it gave the world Chloë Sevigny and Rosario Dawson (for which we’re grateful), but the duo behind Kids — director Larry Clark […]