The Wu, perhaps a little hungry to stay ahead of the hype in any way possible, continues on the quest for the marketer’s new edge on the music industry. With all the buzz about the one-album-only concept surrounding their upcoming release of Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, it’s not surprising A Better Tomorrow, their twentieth anniversary album, would […]

10 Sep
Bringing back the glory days of the cassette-tape ghetto blaster

With an iPod dock, USB, SSD/MMC, auxiliary and headphone/microphone inputs, AM/FM radio and alarm clock, the Lasonic I931X Gold is the ultimate reinvention of the shoulder-mounted boomboxes of yesteryear… except for the small addition of Bluetooth connectivity for wireless audio streaming, that is. This successor to the iconic TRC-931 boombox of the late 80s is […]

29 Aug
6 hours of wireless music synced up to your iPhones & tablets

As awesome as old school boomboxes are (which is clearly, very) they have way too many shortcomings to make them rationally usable, no matter how ironically 80s you want to be. The giant train of D size batteries, the size and weight of the players, the lack of mp3… pretty much everything. Logitech’s UE Boombox […]

15 Nov
Get your '80s fix with updated technology

Feeling a need to relive the 80s, but don’t want to subject yourself to the horror that is Footloose, 2.0? The iHome iPhone Boombox might be just what you’re looking for. Updated with new technology from the standard 20 D-battery monstrosities of yore, the iHome iPhone Boombox offers a sleek monotone design, SRS TruBass DSP, […]

20 Apr
Functional cardboard speakers for your iPod

Sure paper airplanes don’t really fly, but check out what a paper boombox can do. Yes it’s only made of folding cardboard, but it features workable amplified speakers that function on 4 AA batteries. Designed by the always brilliant SUCK UK, the iPod Paper Boombox can be yours for about $40 (£25). Jams not included.

2 Mar
Complete Technique vs. Swagger classic pendant

It’s been a pretty big week for Boomboxes here at LIAS, but we’re all about giving big ups to the classics so why not keep it going. After seeing Max’s paintings you may be wondering where you can get your own vintage boombox — except make it a silver pendant and throw it on a […]

Art-loving ladies and gents, the time has finally come to announce the winners of the Lost In a Supermarket / Max Neutra BOOMBOX Giveaway!!! As we explained last week, we teamed up with artist Max Neutra to give away a $300 One-Of-a-Kind Boombox in order to promote an Art Battles contest to send him on […]

As we explained on Monday, Max Neutra & LIAS are having a $300 One-Of-a-Kind Boombox Giveaway, so get up out your seat and follow the steps below to enter: Go to Max’s Art Battles site and vote for him today and tomorrow Leave a comment on our Facebook post telling us, if you won the […]