Sometimes things don’t make sense. Like how come MGMT was never able to write a song as irresistible as “Time To Pretend” again. Sure they got plenty of good tunes, but their second album Congratulations just didn’t live up to the Herculean expectations of their debut Oracular Spectacular. Well now the American duo is back ready […]
Just Tell That You Want Me is the new Fleetwood Mac tribute album featuring a handful of our favorite indie bands including Best Coast, Washed Out, The New Pornographers, Tame Impala, The Kills, Lykke Li, MGMT and more, and is now up to stream via SoundCloud. When covering a band so iconic and influential, and […]
The second mixtape in our July 4th Summertime 3-Pack series comes courtesy of Brighton’s Benji Boko who shares the mix he delivered to delirious heads at this year’s Glastonbury Festival. Boko promises the set was completely improvised live —”no mixes were pre-prepared or planned. This was the greatest show of my life to date!” Considering […]
MGMT are back with their first video off their upcoming Congratulations album for the track “Flash Delirium”. Entertaining yet slightly disturbing visuals, but the song itself is solid. Let’s hope Ben Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden can avoid the dreaded sophomore fall-off that so many recent hyper-buzzed artists have suffered. It’d be nice to see someone […]
Midnight Juggernauts‘ Dystopia was one of the best albums of 2007, taking dance music exactly where it needed to go — elevated from the brainless serotonin backwash of 4/4 monotony to the edge of, dare I say it, prog. Part Pink Floyd psychedelia, part Ennio Morricone paranoid dreamscape, part disco synth fancy, Melbourne’s Midnight Juggernauts […]
words by Aldo Davalos // photos by Ellei Johndro (Shadow Scene) On December 31st 1996, Los Angeles hosted one of the largest massive raves that the city had ever seen. Entitled Seventh Heaven, over 10,000 people from across the southland descended upon the Grand Olympic Auditorium to usher in the New Year. I remember this […]
It’s been a music-heavy Monday, but I guess that’s a good thing. Although the track is way old, MGMT finally came out with a video for arguably the Best Song of 2008 — “Kids”. As should be expected, its a symbolism-loaded, imagery coded stream of consciousness film-into-animation nightmare…all launched by the sober words of Mark […]
UK group the Mentalists downloaded a bunch of music apps for the iPhone and… have a look for yourself. I kinda like it.