A beautifully animated and very bizarre — bordering on disturbing — 6-minute animation about a fictional group of mutant children from Chernobyl, titled Chernokids. The short video was made by a group of Frenchies (Matthieu Bernadat, Nils Boussuge, Florence Ciuccoli, Clément Deltour and Marion Petegnief) who will most definitely get some professional work if they […]
ChernoKids 6-minute short animation
Keds Camp Oxford with a French toile print twist
What makes these super limited edition Keds for Opening Ceremony sneakers special are the French “toile” print embellishments on the fabric. Usually the stuff of cliched grandmas the world over, the toile prints here get a twist via artist Richard Saja, who re-contextualizes the artform with his own particular sense of humor. As Opening Ceremony […]