We were pretty damned excited when the Calvin and Hobbes Stamp was announced, and even more when the Complete Calvin and Hobbes three book boxset came out. Which makes us a prime audience for this documentary. Titled Dear Mr. Watterson, the trailer takes a deep look into the cultural impact of what we think is […]

24 Feb
Now that's a lot of geniusNow that's a lot of genius

I just stumbled across this treasure — the entire body of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons published in a tribute three-book boxset titled The Complete Calvin and Hobbes. Not only is Calvin and Hobbes a LIAS all time favorite, but it is unquestionably one of the most popular comic strips of all time. After launching in […]

I was just announced that Calvin and Hobbes will receive their own US Postal Stamp, which is great news really. Seeing as I consider Calvin and Hobbes one of the best cartoons of all time (second maybe only to Gary Larson’s Far Side), I’m loving this. In their honor, and perhaps for a little jaunt […]