OH my god, I just pooped my pants when I read the headline to this video. Do you have any idea how long I’ve wished to be a fly on the wall in The Simpsons writers room during its halcyon Conan O’Brien years? You know, when they were penning the monorail song, and sending Homer […]

26 Oct
Taschen reprints their best-selling book of all time — about arguably the greatest mind of all time

The great Leonardo da Vinci has inestimable traces of his influence within endless realms of artistic and scientific institutions. The Italian archetype of the Renaissance man was not only a painter but a sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist, inventor, musician, botanist, geologist, cartographer, anatomist and writer. He could easily be God. Thus, it’s no surprise that […]

1 Oct
The Anti-Graffiti Pen for Graffiti-ing mischief

The Grime Writer allows you to clean up and defile streets at the same time. Sure it might sound contradictory in a logical sense but that doesn’t make it impossible. Just fill this oversized felt-tip marker with soapy water instead of ink, and you’ve got yourself a crime-less mechanism for disrupting the peace and cleaning […]

After riling up fans and completely selling out every exclusive, one-night-only showing in North America of the their documentary Shut Up and Play the Hits (which we previewed here), LCD Soundsystem’s documentary can now be rented ($5) or purchased exclusively via iTunes for $12.99. Fit for diehard LCD Soundsystem fans and newcomers alike, “Shut Up and Play […]

To much controversy, anger, excitement and fanfare DC Comics today announced it will be releasing a series of prequels to what many consider the best comic book of all time, The Watchmen. Needless to say, the mere idea of mortals touching the work of writer Alan Moore (and to a lesser degree, artist Dave Gibbons) […]

22 Dec
Hidden stash pockets & magnets keep you safe from Johnny Law

High end graffiti paint manufacturer Clash have teamed up with Italian brand IUTER to create the ultimate bomber hoodie, especially made for the graf writer who wants to stay real undercover (and which ones don’t?). The hoodie features several hidden pockets custom-built to stash all the nefarious tools of a graf bomber’s trade. There are […]

11 Nov
600 image/400 page hardcover look into artist's life & work

OK, I admit paying $200 for a book seems a little crazy. It’s not as crazy as buying a $35,000 alligator skin backpack from the Olsen twins… but still. But since this is a book about and sort of by the inimitable Spanish filmmaker (being the first book Almodóvar has ever written about all his […]

Chuck Norris jokes aside, this might be the most inventive writing pad we’ve seen since Moleskine’s suede-lined Folio Digital collection. The black Armed Notebooks from Megawing feature three distinctive designs, each with its own way of transforming symbols of violence into tools of creativity. Featuring a 3-dimensional embossed cover of either a hand grenade, revolver […]