It has been quite the week for Nerds. What with Battlestar Galactica getting a new series, and the Punisher War Zone opening up today (I’m going to first show at noon today, cape and plastic uzis in hand). And now, this pre-trailer of Terminator Salvation. Yes, the trailer doesn’t come out till next Tuesday but someone posted a clip from Entertainment Tonight with some snippets and put it out there for Nerds to oggle 4 days before the trailer debuts. Now that’s anticipation. Let’s hope this film returns the franchise to the Golden Lands from whence it came, and doesn’t destroy it like they did with Parts 3 and 4 of that other James Cameron-helmed Sci-fi masterpiece.

The good news is that from these clips it looks promising (check out the mech in the final 2 seconds…glllglglgglglgl….). On a raging positive, its got Christian Bale and Helena Bonham Carter, about as sure-things as Hollywood gets these days. On a negative, it’s directed by McG. Aside from the having the douchiest moniker in the history of Film, I have my doubts. Someone told me We Are Marshall was actually good, but I couldn’t be bothered to see it honestly. Anyway, enjoy these crumbs till the actual trailer drops in less than 100 hours…

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