This is too good. Apparently an out of business Kentucky Fried Chicken has been turned into a medical marijuana clinic. Gotta love how LA holds shit down. The best part is they flipped KFC to mean Kind for Cures. Awesome! They’re basically going to keep the same customer base… which begs the question, why stop selling chicken in the first place. New recipe idea: Chicken Pot Pie. Mmmmmm. This could be the ultimate one stop shop for all the folks out there that poke a lotta smot. To get things rolling and drum up new business, they’re offering up a free 1/8 for first time customers too. Highly amusing stuff, indeed.

No Responses to “Chicken Pot Pie Anyone?”

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  2. Interesting, thank you! I spent my childhood in Yorkshire in the UK, and I’ve been trying to find a recipe for this tasyy pie I remember eating all the time, but can’t remember what we called it!!! Do you know any famous pie recipes from Yorkshire?

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