When I was in high school one of my friends used to drive me home a lot before I was old enough to (legally) drive. He had a huge white Olds that fit like 20 people and had this pimp-grade blue velvet interior that I hope to make a cape out of some day. Anyways […]
Metal revisions of AC/DC, Boston, Journey, Thin Lizzy & Rush
Efficient Performance concept aims straight for the Green Zone
Usually when AC Schnitzer lays their modifying Midas touch on a Bimmer, they throw some massive horsepower and headturning body kits on a car and call it a day. But with their latest release, the 99D Concept Coupe, the German tuners are aiming straight for the Green Zone with a performance car that emphasizes efficiency. […]
AC vs DC? Does this mean they're both gay?
This short and winsome tale tells the story of one Nikolai Tesla vs. the Douchebaggery of Thomas Edison. Now I know Edison did a lot of crazy shit himself, like invent the lightbulb, record player and film camera, but the man held many things to be desired — such as his respect for onetime employee-soon-to-be-nemesis […]