13 Jun
Found footage from Lynch's hypnotic tale of suburban dispair

David Lynch uses a Lynchian simile to describe these deleted scenes from Blue Velvet. With his comforting sacrilege he says they are like amazing grace — they were lost, and now they’re found. The whole concept of deleted scenes is sort of a conundrum; they’re like trash that expose too much reality or too much […]

16 Jun
Signify the lost idealism of the 1960s with a tshirt

Freshjive has just released this tshirt as a tribute to Dennis Hopper who recently passed away at 74 years old. The image, taken by photographer Guy Webster, captures Hopper at his disheveled, sorta zoned out best. Rick Klotz, founder of Freshjive, gives his reasons for the homage: “Originally making a mark in the 50s alongside […]