The duo of Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez return for the followup to their surprisingly good Sin City. What was surprising wasn’t that the original comic could be the template for a good film, it’s just that rarely is a comic book so loyally adapted to the silver screen. Using Miller’s actual comic frames to storyboard the […]
Gordon-Levitt, Brolin, Alba, Rourke, Liotta, Keach, Willis & more
Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzman & Anderson reunited again
Any day is a happy day that brings a little Wes Anderson into your life. Today is such a day. The trailer for his new film Moonrise Kingdom shows no signs of the endlessly whimsical and creative auteur slowing down. I mean, dude’s only like 40 but still — so many good films and they […]
Ironic, or just really expendable...?
I’m pretty much a girlie girl. I pretend to be tough, but the closest I’ve ever gotten to a fight was when a chick in seventh grade gym class made fun of my friend Sophia De La Torre, so I pointed my shaking finger in her face and said, in my best pretend badass voice, […]