13 Mar
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Browning’s model 1911

No, this isn’t a vestigial prop from some bad Underworld sequel, it’s a real functional double-barred .45 caliber pistol from Italian firearms maker Arsenal Firearms. Invented to celebrate the 100th anniversary of John Moses Browning’s seminal model 1911 pistol, this deranged handgun is exactly what you’re looking for when a single bullet isn’t enough to […]

Add Jeremy Scott’s eclectic and energetic touch to the traditional bomber jacket and what do you get? The JS Bullet Reversible Bomber Jacket in bright blue and traffic cone orange, designed exclusively for the Adidas Originals collection. The blue side is a regular (albeit loudly colored) bomber jacket, while the orange side is riddled with […]

3 May
The pen is mightier than the sword... and gun

Mexican designer Jorge Diego Etienne has fashioned a pen holder aimed to remind us all that the pen is mightier than the sword… or gun, in this case. As an artist living amid the rampant violence that has overtaken his country, Etienne wishes to reclaim the revolver design as a testament to peace. “Choose your […]

I don’t know why, but I’m loving these bullet bracelets by the aptly titled duo of Bulletgirl. They feature .357 magnum gold and rhodium plated bullets, as well as .223 REM and 22 millimeter Winchester bullets. I know we shouldn’t really be glorifying violence and all, but is it OK to like these? What if […]

No idea how much this chair costs, but it can’t be cheap. Especially given the fact that gun stores are literally running out of ammo since Obama took office. For reals. Ammo makers can’t make bullets fast enough… they’ve got peeps working 24/7 to keep up with the demand. We’re in the midst of a […]