15 Aug
Zach Snyder returns with Frank Miller-less sequel

Since it’s Zach Snyder behind this it’s sure to look mighty pretty, just like the first 300. Problem with Snyder is when he uses source materials — as in 300 and Watchmen — the guy is pretty much unstoppable. But when he writes the screenplay himself — as in Sucker Punch (which we reviewed HERE) […]

26 Jun
The 1980s British comic book's second attempt at the silverscreen

The seminal 80s Judge Dredd comic book was one of the best of its era, the 1995 feature film starring Sylvester Stallone was craptacular. This 2012 movie version, simply titled Dredd, could go in either direction. The casting of Lena Headey (Queen Cersei from Game of Thrones) as the villain/drug dealer Ma-Ma is promising, but the direction […]