Do you hate Mario and Luigi? Do you root for their painful mushroom-fated demise every time you fire up a Mario Bros game on Nintendo? If you find yourself on Team Bowser shaking your fist at the ridiculously stereotyped Italian plumbers, you may be into Fro Design‘s Anti-Mario Bros Propaganda Posters. Inspired by classic Cold […]
Proudly demonstrate your distaste for Italian plumbers
From Cyanide Gas Guns to CIA Rectal Escape Kits
WIRED has an excellent collection of Cold War Era Spy Gear posted, all originating from espionage works between the USSR and USA. A bunch of really cool pieces, such as a Turd Transmitter (a crap-shaped homing beacon spies would drop to transmit bombing targets to pilots) and a C.I.A. Rectal Escape Kit (both in gallery […]
Feb Call of Duty: Black Ops, that is...
Yesterday we hit Treyarch Studios in Santa Monica to witness a Battle To the Death between NFL superstar running backs Maurice Jones-Drew and Arian Foster. Of course it involved no actual physical violence, it was instead the reveal of the first new series of “First Strike” maps for Treyarch’s mega-hit Call of Duty: Black Ops […]