The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I,  vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V,  vol VI, vol VII, vol. VIIIvol IX, vol X,  vol XI, vol XII,  vol XIII, vol XIV, vol XV and vol XVI) Hi readers. Well, this new post was going to be a light-hearted, hilarious book report on Snooki’s glorious novel A Shore Thing since, yes, I read it. […]

20 Nov
Madman Mundt and The Elf discuss all things Aronofsky

Madman Mundt and the Elf were guests at last week’s AFI Fest and attended the Los Angeles premier of Black Swan. This is their collaborative review. Black Swan is out in the US on December 1st. The Elf: I’m a sucker for a dance movie. Ballet specifically. Whether it’s Fame, Flashdance, Center Stage (starring a […]

12 Aug
Ironic, or just really expendable...?

I’m pretty much a girlie girl. I pretend to be tough, but the closest I’ve ever gotten to a fight was when a chick in seventh grade gym class made fun of my friend Sophia De La Torre, so I pointed my shaking finger in her face and said, in my best pretend badass voice, […]

12 May
Hollywood Forever Cemetery Screenings Starts May 16th

There are a lot of reasons why LA sucks. This isn’t one of them. Kicking it in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery with friends, booze and food while you catch a flick on the mausoleum wall is a good time, indeed. Cinespia is getting ready to kick off their season with the classic Paul Newman flick, […]