28 Jan
Red Vines, arm candy, and good old American guts

The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I,  vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V,  vol VI, vol VII, vol. VIIIvol IX, vol X,  vol XI, vol XII and vol XIII) Confession. Diving with sharks scares me. Being broke scares me. Moving to Texas scares me. But really what scares me the most is being offered another corporate job […]

4 Nov
Shark Cages, Guided Meditation, Chilean Miners and Me

The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I,  vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V,  vol VI, vol VII, vol. VIII vol IX and vol X) Let me start by stating the obvious: Bureaucracy can suck it. I mean, back in March when I was first laid off the mighty EDD and powers that be told me (via […]

The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I,  vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V,  vol VI, vol VII and vol. VIII) Last week my dad gave me some career/life advice. It went something like this: Dad: Honey, I’m real proud of your writing. Me: Thanks dad! Dad: How’s the job […]

The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I,  vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V,  vol VI and vol VII) Month five of unemployment. This is about the time you start to realize you should do things like finally read Shantaram because, well, you’ve got a lot of hours to spend […]

28 Jul
Big, dumb fun in the cockeyed caravan

The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I,  vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V and vol VI) The pool parties have kinda dried up, for now. They’ll be back, sometime in my life. I hope. That exhilaration that swirled around me during a sunny couple of weeks in July seems […]

30 Jun
Sallie Mae vs. Grizzly bear hides

The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I,  vol II, vol III and vol IV) Remember the nice guy who worked at the Genius Bar, and who told me to call a 1-800 number and use the word “inconvenience” a lot, so I could maybe get my MacBook fixed for free? Well, […]

You know that old song, “Take This Job and Shove It?” The one sung by some dude named Johnny Paycheck, about a man fed up with working long, hard hours for a lame fat-cat boss? A few months before I got laid off, when I was in the la-la land of believing my job was […]