10 Feb
Bryan Singer returns to save his glorious franchise from Brett "The Hack" Rattner — nerds everywhere, rejoice!

I will gladly admit the Mundt Nerd-o-Meter is going all about haywire right now at the release of the trailer to X-Men: First Class. After the much loathed celluloid abortion that was X-Men Last Stand — Brett Ratner’s shameless taint-fiddling shit bomb — the X-Franchise desperately needed to get its stomach pumped from the toxic […]

10 Dec
Celebrating the City of Angels

The NIKE LA Destroyers event went down last night at the old Bank of America building in downtown Los Angeles during the city’s ever hectic Art Walk. Curated by artist Erik Siador, the idea of the Los Angeles celebrating exhibit was to take 11 LA-based artists and have them create artwork inspired by 11 LA-based […]