1 Aug
London brothers Guy & Howard's 2-step, garage & dubstep set

Brothers Guy and Howard from London have been creating smooth 2-step, garage and dubstep beats for a couple years now under the moniker Disclosure, starting at the ripe ages of 19 and 16 (don’t feel too useless, they still live at home with their parents). They’ve put together a nice 40-minute mixtape including prime downtempo […]

Chicago’s Supreme Cuts is producers Michael Perry and Austin Keultjes, who are preparing to release their debut full-length Whispers in the Dark July 10th via Dovecote records. Supreme Cuts puts forth a sound exploring an area where beats and the streets collide: hip hop undertones, and sometimes vocals, lead tracks punctuated with thick, ambient, industrial percussion (see: […]

13 Jan
Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzman & Anderson reunited again

Any day is a happy day that brings a little Wes Anderson into your life. Today is such a day. The trailer for his new film Moonrise Kingdom shows no signs of the endlessly whimsical and creative auteur slowing down. I mean, dude’s only like 40 but still — so many good films and they […]

30 Nov
Aptly named magic from Wes Anderson

I know the movie came out last week, but I only had a chance to catch Fantastic Mr. Fox this weekend with the Madfam over Thanksgiving. With some of us voting for the redundantly named Ninja Assassin (including yours truly), and others opting for the craptacular 2012, it seemed Mr. Fox was the one flick […]