Fred Perry’s addition to their Union Jack collection, a polo shirt to match the Fred Perry Union Jack Hoodie featured last week. The polo has the same classic appeal you can find in any Fred Perry polo, with white stripes on the ribbing. On the back, however, comes a full English flag stitched into the […]
The British representing the British
The good people at Fred Perry have designed their latest British Invasion piece, the Union Jack Sweatshirt. It’s a 100% Cotton hooded jacket with the English flag stitched on the back, just to give some love to their British roots. The design comes in two colorways, a simple gray color scheme, and a classic red […]
Part One in the lost history of a pop-fashion machine
Tokidoki is a Japanese word whose etymology is, for the most part, vague. The definition can flip from “sometimes” to “constantly”, although the latter’s more appropriate when applied to the flourishing pop-fashion brand tokidoki, as its proprietors are always in motion. Their output is prolific, their hustle grand. You’ve seen their coveted hyper-stylized Karl Lagerfeld […]