29 Mar
Charles Moore draws attention to the growing, choking problem of plastic debris in our seas for TED

We touched on this epic plastic dilemma facing the Planet Earth a couple years back when we covered photographer Chris Jordan’s Midway: Message from the Gyre in 2009, but it doesn’t get any less scary. We have a serious, serious fucked up problem with our consumption of plastics, and if nothing changes we can just […]

23 Mar
Giorgos Lanthimos takes it to the bizarre familial limit

Dogtooth is like a backhand slap to the face after a night of heavy drinking: it sobers you up instantly. Greek Writer and Director Giorgos Lanthimos isn’t new to the festival circuit but certainly to the Academy Awards. The reason Dogtooth was nominated for best foreign film this year is due to the fact there […]

16 Feb
3 Fingers, 3 Pyramids, 1 Bronze Ring

We’ve seen rings designed to look like Gotham City and tiny neighborhoods, and now comes a ring inspired by another architectural landmark in history: the pyramid. The bold three-finger ring let’s you rock the oft-imitated Pyramids of Giza look, and incorporates a sort of cartoonish effect via the thickly lined bricks done roughly in black. […]

7 Jan
Namechecking Eames, Terry Gross, Evan Williams bourbon and Clark Grizwold...New Orleans style

By all accounts, Generationals seem custom made for Lost In A Supermarket. First off, before forming Generationals Grant Widmer and Ted Joyner were in a band called the Eames Era. While naming your band after a Mid-Century Modernist legend would be enough to prick our ears, there are the additional points that he loves bourbon […]

7 Jan
A giant box head filled with literary goodies

The great literary magazine McSweeney’s returns with one of their most imaginatively plackaged issues, Number 36. Utilizing a very innovative presentation, which borrows more than a bit from Visionaire‘s philosophy of outside-the-box packaging (no pun intended), the “issue” is actually a 275-cubic-inch crate filled with goodies. The giant head box is filled with a litany […]

3 Nov
The man, the myth, the sagely advice

There are no words for the amount of respect I have for Mr. Kurt Vonnegut, one of the most singular human beings of the 20th and 21st Centuries. Here’s a 5-part video clip series of a 2002 lecture Vonnegut gave at Albion College, titled How to Get Job Like Mine, where he received an honorary […]

21 Oct
Classic gloves in suede, leather and wool

Is it already time to start thinking about picking up some nice leather gloves for the looming cold nights ahead? If so, you may want to fly to Milan and pick up some of Trussardi 1911’s line of fine gloves, the perfect accessory to keep your hands warm while looking sharp. Detailed stitching, quality materials […]

1 Oct
Local Natives zoohorrific "Wide Eyes" video

Great video from Silverlake’s Local Natives, the second vid from their Gorilla Manor album. Watch it till its gory, hilarious, and evilly cuddly end. If you like what you hear, and fancy yourself a producer, Local Natives has also been offering stems from Gorilla Manor on their website for fans and friends to remix.  Go […]