17 Jun
Another Scorsese tale of criminal rags to riches ascension

The trailer for Martin Scorcese’s latest opus was just released, and it seems to hit all the touchpoints of a typical epic Scorsesian plotline. A rags to riches thug-life story shot not through the lens of organized crime but rather Wall Street (wait, is that the same thing actually?), The Wolf Of Wall Street tells […]

2 Apr
What a party at James Franco's house is really like

We posted the First Look Trailer of the This Is The End film late last year, and now a new trailer for Machinima showing a little more of the plot has been released. While the cast of the film is pretty ridiculous, and the meta film-within-a-film pretext very postmodern for a typical football to the groin […]

Thanks to everyone for participating in our Get Him to the Greek DVD and Blu-Ray giveaway. Congratulations to  Andrew, Brandon, Austin, Jenny and Esteban for picking up winning discs. Enjoy the flick…

20 Oct
Russell Brand, Jonah Hill and Puffy resurrect the rock star myth

Have you seen Get Him to the Greek? If you haven’t young lassie, you need to get on that ASAP — it’s one of the funniest movies of 2010, and was much more unpredictable than you’d think. Sure there were the hilarious requisite party scenes, but the movie had a lot more depth than expected […]