Happy belated Jamaican independence day everyone! Yesterday, August 6th, was the official day. I hope you all drank cases of Red Stripe, watch incessant re-runs of Usain Bolt highlights on ESPN and smoked a crate full of spliffs. Seriously shame on you if you’re not. For anyone who has never waded in the soulful waters […]

4 Oct
Combining American and Nepali craftsmanship

  The duo behind el dot designs, husband and wife team Leo and Lishu, have aimed to build furniture that’s not only aesthetically pleasing from a design aspect but also highly sustainable. That’s why they’ve focused on using bamboo as the prime material behind their Future Primitive and Simple Office Collections, as it is one of […]

30 Aug
Celebrating the Force with 42 Movement Sword Form

Created by animator John Leo, this is a CGI video of Darth Vader doing Tai Chi — specifically the 42 Movement Sword Form. Seeing as “Chi” is the Chinese word meaning “life force” — the energy created by all living beings — the link with Star Wars is especially salient. Yes, the video’s a bit […]