Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest shock mockumentary The Dictator is set to premier on big screens next summer, and the first look trailer just hit the interwebs. Cohen plays a Gaddafi-esque Middle East dictator who comes to America, so it’s unlikely to piss anyone off. The film also stars John C Reilly, Ben Kingsley, Megan Fox, Asif […]
Sacha Baron Cohen's latest shockumentary likely to please all
Pretty much exactly what you'd expect
While I’m the first to admit that Megan Fox has gotten kind of annoying, it’s still pretty much scientific law that she remains easy on the eyes, especially when simply running around in panties. Here’s the teaser video for her latest campaign with Emporio Armani Underwear. Try not to judge, lest thee be judged thyself…
Megan Fox leaves a tip for Armani Jeans
Ok, maybe I’m just nitpicking here but doesn’t Megan Fox’s upper lip look awfully stiff (aka paralyzed/collagenized) when she speaks in the video below? Would she be stupid enough to already have had work done? Can someone be born that hot and still feel the need to alter themselves with some bizarre jellyfish toxin, or […]