Do you love Terminator? Do you have $6,000 to spend on sci-fi heirlooms of dorkdom? Do you want to scare and amuse your nerd friends, all while totally blowing absolutely any chance of getting laid with that girl you somehow managed to roofie charm back to your house? (Although I’m thinking if you have the […]
I dig this robotic plant project by Japanese artist and visual designer Akira Nakayasu. Based roughly on an earlier work titled Himawari, which was a sunflower-shaped robot, this piece (simply titled Plant) is an interactive installation inspired by the sight of grass blowing in the wind. Plant is made up of 169 artificial robotic leaves […]
I feel bad for robots. They get charged with all of humanity’s most laborious, repetitive tasks, with little or no glory. Welding car chassis joints, sealing up gushing oil platforms, carrying rich drunks to bed. Thanks to NASA and GM that’s about to change, and our robotic underlords are about to make their way into […]
You cannot see the photograph you are about to take with this Nadia concept camera, simply because it has no display. Rather than allow you to play Ansel Adams, the Nadia passes the judgment of aesthetic quality over to ACQUINE — the first publicly available aesthetics inference engine. What that means is that ACQUINE runs […]
Normally the idea of a solar-powered robot with deadly blades would be enough to launch James Cameron to the laptop for a re-write, but Husqvarna‘s Automower Solar Hybrid is a robot of good, not evil. This no emission, self-propelled, low energy consumption, weather-proof, nearly silent lawn mower can only handle lawns of half-acre or smaller, […]
Another in our series of great commercials that elevate the artform. Created by French director Edouard Salier, he of the latest and much-blogged-about Massive Attack video “Splitting the Atom”, this Argentinian commercial Coke Quest tells a story in the framework of a football-obsessed South American lad fighting robots. Coke Quest directed by Edouard Salier from […]
I used to think that the coolest thing about storage facilities was that some of them had air conditioning. That’s nothing compared to what the Robo Vault is packing. It’s completely automated. And this 465-unit building in Fort Lauderdale can hold its own against a Category 5 hurricane packing 200-mph winds. I haven’t been able […]
Spike Jonze premiered his new film I’m Here at Sundance last Thursday, and the trailer of it is below. The 35-minute film follows the life of 2 robots in “a futuristic fable rooted in the universal emotions of first love, ruminating on youth, identity, autonomy and loss.” It’s no secret we love our robots here […]