12 Dec
From Japanese art to the appreciation of well shaped derrières

The second installment of our Best Of 2011 retrospective series focuses on the Top 10 Books of 2011, including photo-heavy coffee table books, research tomes and literature. From the history of menswear staples to Japanese art to modernist architecture to the appreciation of the well shaped derrière, there were a multitude of books published covering […]

5 Jul
Josh Sims' historical guide to everything in your wardrobe

There are many books that cover the various dapper personalities who have defined men’s fashion over the last century — the rakes who wore timeless garments that became indelibly stamped into our cultural psyches (such as the impeccably disheveled Gregory Peck on the cover, above). But not many books will tell you the history of […]

You know we’re fans of the avant garde Visionaire Magazine, who always push themselves to evolve the format to the next level. Most of their work is so future-forward that the term “magazine” is a disservice, like Issue 57 (consisting of an electric calender with 365 different curated images) that we covered a couple months […]

Last Thursday night, in celebration of LA’s Art Month, Calvin Klein, Art Los Angeles Contemporary (ALAC) and the Los Angeles Nomadic Division (LAND) hosted an extravagant gala in West Hollywood — thus proving that you don’t always need Bruce Weber’s scantily denim clad tweens to get people excited, a previously debatable observation. Read the breakdown, […]