The Livery Design Gruppe’s (LDG) custom-created Phantom 4D bicycle is the latest in the capsule collection collaboration between the design company and Hurley. The award-winning Phantom Boardshorts inspired the Phantom 4D project, which Hurley launched in June in response to increased performance demands. The tech advanced Phantom Boardshorts incorporated Nike Flywire technology and feature a […]
Quite likely the first fixed-gear bike inspired by boardshorts
Part One in the lost history of a pop-fashion machine
Tokidoki is a Japanese word whose etymology is, for the most part, vague. The definition can flip from “sometimes” to “constantly”, although the latter’s more appropriate when applied to the flourishing pop-fashion brand tokidoki, as its proprietors are always in motion. Their output is prolific, their hustle grand. You’ve seen their coveted hyper-stylized Karl Lagerfeld […]