22 Jul
A Sundance award-winning allegory of loss and redemption

Fox Searchlight’s Another Earth is directed by Mike Cahill and opens today, Friday July 22nd in Los Angeles and New York City, and on July 28th nationwide. Madman Mundt Another Earth is the type of film where you have to get the premise out of the way immediately, as it requires a temporary suspension of […]

8 May
Spock vs Siler, and the cold heart of JJ Abrams

UPDATE: This was originally posted on Thursday night, but since Star Trek is red hot ($76 mill!) we’re gonna keep it up top for a bit… Star Trek opens tonight at midnight, and promises to elevate Zachary Quinto from geekdom hero to…well…geekdom superhero, I suppose. I’m sure playing the über-evil Siler on Heroes probably had […]