Today under a large tent that spared us the trauma of the sun’s vindictive rays, KIA and DC Entertainment gathered a group of journalists and fans to show them the final vehicle in their yearlong collaboration: the Justice League Sorrento. Part of DC’s ongoing “We Can Be Heroes” Project, the idea was to build customized, one-of-a-kind vehicular […]
To be auctioned benefiting the “We Can Be Heroes” Project
All of DC's best heroes in "DC Universe Online" video game
With the exception of Christopher Nolan’s rebooted Batman franchise, Marvel has consistently kicked the everliving shit out of DC’s comic universe in film format. The Bryan Singer X-Men (1 & 2, not that Brett Ratner abomination) and Ironman alone slay the best of what DC’s managed to come out with, and that doesn’t even count […]