23 Sep
Defend yourself against anyone who tries any funny business

When it comes to your safety, you can never be too prepared. Sure you could always be strapped, but sometimes a sturdy knife might do the trick. Plus — you can’t open mail with a Heckler & Koch, can you? Smaller than a credit card, this titanium-folding knife is unassuming and at 2 3/4” closed […]

7 Jan
Namechecking Eames, Terry Gross, Evan Williams bourbon and Clark Grizwold...New Orleans style

By all accounts, Generationals seem custom made for Lost In A Supermarket. First off, before forming Generationals Grant Widmer and Ted Joyner were in a band called the Eames Era. While naming your band after a Mid-Century Modernist legend would be enough to prick our ears, there are the additional points that he loves bourbon […]