“Our goal wasn’t to create a label but rather to develop Bromance as a brand that would work as a guarantee for successful parties. Our brand is all about Music.” Words from Manu Barron, co-founder of the esteemed Bromance label. And indeed, I was originally drawn to Bromance by its sounds of SPK as stereo-totaled by Gesaffelstein on his album Aleph. Which […]
Amphetamine-induced ravers grapple with future music
New York '90s post hardcore gods reunite for 2013 tour
One of my favorite bands of the ‘90s post-hardcore scene was Quicksand. They had a certain something that a lot of other bands of that time simply did not. Maybe it was being a New Yorker and finally having some hometown heroes succeed again, but whatever it was I was hooked. Part of that appeal […]