
So what can I say, I, like the rest of America (the world?) am getting giddy about Obama taking office. Shit has been fucked up for too long… It’s time for some change, people. No surprise to LIAS readers that Z Trip is down for the man, as well. We posted his Obama mix a while back and it was one of the biggest hits we’ve had on the site to date. Last week MoveOn.org contacted Z Trip to put something together for an email blast they are doing for the lead up to the inauguration. Doing what he does best, Zach put together another mix. This one is called “Victory Lap: The Obama Mix Pt. 2”.

It’s my way of congratulating all of us for electing what I think is the right person for the job. We made history and I’m proud to be a part of that. Yes, my friends, it is time to celebrate, but please don’t lose sight of the mess we are still in, there is plenty of work that lies ahead.

One Response to “Victory Lap: The Obama Mix Pt. 2 by Z Trip”

  1. TMNK says:

    Nobody was here. And has downloaded your creative offering. Just thought you should know, NOBODY’s LISTENING. (wink). – TMNK

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