23 May
Because "Oliver’s Graphic Design" Doesn’t Exactly Convey Creativity


First off, there’s nothing about Ice Cream For Free that doesn’t sound great. Who the hell wouldn’t want free ice cream. Talk about a great name. It’s suggestive, it triggers a great emotion and it’s instantly memorable. Sure, Oliver Wiegner could have went with a bit more descriptive of a handle for his Berlin-based design studio, but who cares of it fails explain any aspect of what he does. Oliver’s Graphic Design doesn’t exactly convey creativity. Note to all you people out there trying to come up with a name for the company, don’t underestimate the value of a good one—it needs to speak to people, call their name. Like if you are really in the mood to get drunk (I don’t know where this is coming from, btw) and you happen upon two bars. One sign reads Joe’s Pub and the other says FUbar. I know who’s getting my business.

You know what else is equally impression about this whole thing (other than the design work Oliver Wiegner is responsible for); the fact that guy was able to get this Internet domain. Really, just how it sounds, no weird spelling variations, one word, no hyphens, or dashes (dot com even!), wasn’t taken in 2005? You don’t need to be an Internet flâneur to realize the triumph in scoring that domain. You can come up with the most brilliant name ever, but if you can’t get YourCompanyName.com it’s pretty much a deal killer.

And here is the reason why I’m bringing Ice Cream For Free to your attention in the first place. I really like their 12” sleeve work. Even the most standard sleeve design comes off special when small things are changed like the colors on specific parts on the label.


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