
Newly available on the Rotofugi Limited store is the especially limited-edition exhibition toy-piece known as “The Passage — Ignited“. Created by Mark Landwehr and Sven Waschk of Coarse, “The Passage” is available on a strict one-per-household basis, with a total of 150 available in all. If you’re not familiar with Coarse, you’re probably not nearly nerdy enough, but you can take a catch-up course in […]

8 Jan
Selim Verol's "punked" Winston Churchill sculpture

Winston Churchill, WWII hero and legend responsible for super-smart world-leader-y quotes like “I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly,” has made his way to the work of art collector Selim Verol. Smurf War Church-ill was created as a deliberate political commentary and as a […]

I remember the first time I went to Wyoming as a kid with my dad, and they had Jackalope postcards everywhere. I was fascinated. What the hell was this amazing creature, and how come I’d never heard of it before? This fantastic hybrid looked like any ordinary rabbit, except it had deer-like horns on top […]

We’ve seen Space Invaders, Monsters, Tetris Blocks and other craziness you can sit your ass down on, but Brazilian designers Fernando and Humberto Campana have possibly one-upped them all with their limited edition Panda Banquete Chair. The Banquete Chair is made up of dozens of stuffed pandas all hand sewn together on a stainless steel frame to make […]

750 years ago, Dante took hell to a whole new level — nine levels, to be exact. His opus The Divine Comedy went on to become one of the most referenced and revered works of world history, and it stands unrivaled as one of the pinnacle achievements of Italian literature. Preeminent among the greats who were influenced by the masterpiece was the accomplished […]

Well, this is certainly not the first time there’s ever been a little pun action in artwork inspired by Star Wars. This time we’ve got Storm Guevara, or actually the resin bust is entitled Che Trooper by the artist and “guerilla marketer” that is Urban Medium. The bust figure, 18″ tall and weighing in at a little over […]

If the notion of kickflipping all over some royal cartoon titties makes you do a 180, so to speak, you are a very wise man one total creep that’s bound to step up to Sneeze Magazine‘s limited edition “Mulan & Jasmine” skateboard collection. Original artwork by Korean-American illustrator Peter Chung coats the decks with a busty […]

Luke Chueh initially started out by painting up a print of a thirst-quenching, tapioca-pearl drink pun of a Star Wars favorite — but it has now made its way to the Singapore Flabslab factory as a 9″ resin toy. Considering that the limited-edition Boba Fett print sold out something fast, it’s no wonder that the artist not only follows […]