11 Jun
Looks Like Someone Has A Sense Of Humor


You wouldn’t think a company that goes by the handle Apocalypse would be all about sustainable product development. Looks like someone has a sense of humor. They’ve even developed their own design method called Past Present Future (PPF), which is applied to all their work. They take a product’s full life cycle into consideration…asking the questions: what’s the history of the material, how does the material act in different situations and what will happen to the material after the product has been used? Sounds smart to me.

Their Lamp Blob (one of four new products they unveiled at this year’s DMY International Design Festival) is made from the clumps of otherwise wasted plastic the industry uses to create things. Nice re-use of materials. In fact, they don’t produce anything that wasn’t once waste or used materials and it can always be recycled. Hurray for Apocalypse and a healthier way of consumption. Looks like their name is inspired more by the revelation aspect than the doom and gloom side of the tale.

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