12 Oct
Smack My Bitch Up 2.0


This video for Cinnamon Chasers “Luv Delux” was directed by Saman Keshavarz. It borrows quite heavily from the epic Jonas Åkerlund-directed Prodigy video for “Smack My Bitch Up” (aka the greatest video of all time), but really who can blame him. Is that the Sydney monorail in this? They really got around…

Cinnamon Chasers – Luv Deluxe (Official Music Video) from Saman Keshavarz on Vimeo.

2 Responses to “Cinnamon Chasers’ “Luv Delux” Video”

  1. Alex says:

    The monorail is in Seattle as evidenced by the space needle in the background. The previous scene was cannon beach in Oregon and before that San Francisco.

  2. Madman Mundt says:

    Thanks for the clarification Alex – Pac NW it is then…

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