23 Nov
A single 6-minute shot to tell Scotch's most famous story


Now I’m not the hugest Johnnie Walker fan — me likey, don’t get me wrong, but I prefer single malts and especially those from Speyside and the Highlands. Regardless, I’ll never turn down a glass and I do think even the Black label is quality. To celebrate the label and tell the story behind its famous moniker, JW hired the always great Robert Carlyle to narrate a 6-minute story telling the history of the man and the brand, while walking through Scottish badlands…in one single shot, no cuts. That ain’t easy. The narrative itself is entertaining and actually illuminating, especially the stuff about the square product design and angled label.

Shots has an interesting interview with director Jamie Rafn about the 2-day shoot (long and risky for a 6-minute advert), and here’s an outtake:

“The take that you have seen is the very last take we did at 8pm on the last day of the shoot. Take 40. The tension as we watched Robert do this take was unbelievable. It was such a good take at every stage and so the longer it went on without any fluffs the greater the pressure grew for nothing to go wrong. When he got to the end and I got to call cut there was this huge roar and applause from the crew and agency and I knew we had it.”

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