1 Feb
The true aesthetic beauty behind the sport of auto racing

The title of Go Faster by Gestalten books pretty much nails the whole point of motor racing. But beyond the pure mechanics, engineering and science of auto racing is an aesthetic as intrinsic to some societies as fast food and cereal boxes (ever been to Brazil?). What Go Faster really nails is the true aesthetic beauty behind the sport: the logos, the color swatches, the race stripes, the suggested rumbling of rabid horsepower hidden behind a shiny coat of paint. In the book, colorful racing cars are featured next to blank, white models. Thanks to this juxtaposition, Go Faster not only takes its readers on a ride through images of racing history, but also shows them exactly how the graphics modulate the actual look of the vehicle. The neutral models in the book also give readers ample opportunity to imagine their own possibilities for graphic design in motor sports. There are, of course, countless books on racing cars, but on Go Faster editor Sven Voelker is the first to focus on the graphic design of these machines.

PLENTY MORE beautiful images after the Jump

via Blacknotblack

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