The esteemed crew over at Falcon Motorcycles has just released their latest collection of shirts, with 4 styles in total to choose from. Just like their peerless motorcycles they hand-build in their downtown LA studio/laboratory/workshop (read our feature on the Kestrel Motorcycle), there were no corners cut in designing and crafting the collection — you better believe these aren’t mass stock Hanes or AAA variety shirts. The Falconers commissioned USA grown 100% Pima cotton woven for them, created the pattern, had it cut & sewn, dyed, enzyme washed, screen printed on the front, back and neck, and had a custom Falcon label woven in Los Angeles sewn on. The 4 styles include 2 different logo fronts, one with a large back graphic, and the LIAS favorite all-black shirt, with only the small Falcon label as branding. Perfect for getting your hands greasy in the shop or in the canyons. Considering the attention to detail and production, nevermind the quality of the brand, quite a deal for $40.
Hand crafted shirts from esteemed custom bike builder
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