Everyone’s favorite insane rapper/NYU lecturer/Kevin Durant scourge/non-sequitur philosopher Lil B dropped a new mixtape titled Hoop Life this weekend. Perhaps you heard of the Twitter War he’s been waging with Kevin Durant? Well who’s to say the Bay Area rapper hasn’t applied his voodoo to the Oklahoma City Thunder, who went down in the last minute last night versus the San Antonio Spurs to miss yet another shot at the NBA Finals. You think Lil B waited for Durant, aka Slim Reaper — the newly minted NBA MVP — to go down before dropping Hoop Life? Don’t put it past Lil B to strike when his enemies are most vulnerable! The Based God’s new mixtape features 33 songs in over two hours — stream and download it below as you like, and maybe send KD a consolatory tweet this morning. It’s gotta be a tough day for Durant and the whole state of Oklahoma…

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