Labels don’t grow much more cultural heritage than Fred Perry, a onetime tennis brand that expanded to become embraced by subcultures far flung, from mods and preppies to 2tones and skinheads (just look at their Fred Perry x Medicom 60th Anniversary Bearbrick Series for verification). The vaunted British brand has now teamed up with fellow […]
Polo shirts, hats, tennis wristbands & Quilt Wing-Tip Shoes
Iconic British label puts all its cliques into collectible figure form
The iconic British label Fred Perry has spurred many a youth movement in its day, starting off as simply a tennis label which was then unknowingly adopted by — and in many ways ended up defining — the mods. The 2tones came after, and soon the label was appropriated by a seemingly incongruous gamut of […]
Limited Edition cameras will honor Tiananmen Square massacre...oh wait a second, no it won't...
I’m always amused when China refers to itself as the “People’s Republic of China”, considering most people have the rights of the common stray dog — in other words, stay outta the way or you’ll end up in somebody’s soup. I got no personal beef with the country, it’s just when you’re human rights record […]