4 Feb
Animated Horror Films begin to make noise

Apparently there’s a new genre of film burgeoning: animated horror movies. The business model actually makes sense, as the filmmakers only have to animate a compelling trailer and then find the proper funds to actualize the movie. Given the steadily decreasing costs of animation, and the steadily increasing costs of live productions, these films seem […]

29 Jan
Why not drive your supercar upside down?

How do you show off the power of a 563 hp, 6.3-liter V8 supercar with 479 lb-ft of torque? Well if you’re Mercedes Benz and you want to show off your new 2011 SLS AMG you hire Michael Schumacher to drive it through a tunnel…upside down. Why not? The Gullwing SLS AMG sprints from 0 […]

4 Jan
Controversial Yaris Ad gets Toyota apologizing

This Yaris spot won an Australian short film competition to become an actual commercial. The only problem was that after it was shown women’s groups instantly condemned it as sexist, and Toyota had to apologize and cease showing it. People are so damn sensitive. It doesn’t seem sexist to me — just seems pretty honest. […]

Creative Criminals collected a bunch of creative bus stop advertisements that don’t make me want to lobotomize my frontal lobe with a butter knife. Honestly, if ad people just spent a bit more time actually engaging their audience instead of patronizing them like mouth breathing simpletons then I wouldn’t want to throw a hand grenade […]

5 Oct
Pete Campbell from Mad Men discusses the genius of Mitch Hedberg, the biology of monogamy, life with Jon Hamm and why he takes the bus everywhere in LA…

This is PART TWO of Lost In A Supermarket’s interview with Vincent Kartheiser of AMC’s Mad Men (click HERE to read PART ONE). Unlike PART ONE of the interview, which was pretty heavy on the Mad Men geekness, this one’s a much more personal look at Kartheiser himself. Hit the Jump to read him discuss […]

1 Oct
Pete Campbell from Mad Men talks about the absurdity of morality, the death of the American Dream, and being part of the Best Show on TV...

You recognize Vincent Kartheiser as Peter Campbell, the utterly obsequious and calculating account executive at Sterling Cooper. You know, that fictional Madison Avenue advertising agency on the much talked about AMC series Mad Men. I didn’t say “much hyped” because hype requires that the product or vehicle receiving the accolades does not deserve them, which […]

This is the day for PSAs I guess — some real, like this one, and some imagined, like the Will Ferrell one below. This one’s a motorcycle awareness safety commercial from Norway directed by Kristoffer Carlin and Lasse Gretlan, and I think it makes its point… From Hellforleather

20 Jul
Was it the inter-racial politics...or the blowjob?

Well no shit this ad was banned in Germany! No matter how liberal and progressive those saurkraut-eating, pilsener-brewing, Rammstein-listening Euros are, there’s no way anything this suggestive is playing on TV. Still, gotta give props to whatever Sprite exec had the balls to ok this one…