Pacman Vs. Mario. Do the math.
British filmmakers Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas directed and produced the documentary American: The Bill Hicks Story, an animated film that attempts to shed light on the esteemed comedian by showing pivotal, previously unseen moments in Hicks’ life — hence the animation. Conducting over 100 hours of new in-depth interviews with Bill’s close family and […]
This is a genius short film directed by French animation collective H5. The animation on Logorama is superb, and the attention to detail is hilarious— a gay Mr. Clean, lecherous Pringles guys and a deranged, bloodthirsty Ronald McDonald all enter the fray (love the Slurm cameo and Leica rifle scope, too). No wonder Logorama was […]
Apparently there’s a new genre of film burgeoning: animated horror movies. The business model actually makes sense, as the filmmakers only have to animate a compelling trailer and then find the proper funds to actualize the movie. Given the steadily decreasing costs of animation, and the steadily increasing costs of live productions, these films seem […]