The World of Sex animation was put together as part of a campaign commissioned by, the largest non-profit working on HIV-related issues in France. They way they say, “The safer you play, the longer you stay,” and considering some of the “rides” it seems like a fun place to hang around for awhile. For […]
If you think of Thor when you hear the phrase “motion comics,” think again. Sure Thor is a motion picture based on a comic that’s based on a myth, and sure it’s pure fun to watch, but the world of motion comics is a whole other rodeo. Take The Angel: Motion Comic from writer/artist/creator Dean […]
The infamous NMA.TV do their own Taiwanese animated news interpretation of what the Osama Bin Laden capture/firefight must’ve looked like. I don’t know exactly how accurate this version is, but I do like Obama going up on stage and kicking Donald Trump to the curb. That’s a nice touch…
A beautifully animated and very bizarre — bordering on disturbing — 6-minute animation about a fictional group of mutant children from Chernobyl, titled Chernokids. The short video was made by a group of Frenchies (Matthieu Bernadat, Nils Boussuge, Florence Ciuccoli, Clément Deltour and Marion Petegnief) who will most definitely get some professional work if they […]
You can never have too much Blu in your life, so today we bring you a couple new test animations he completed in n abandoned factory. As usual, the work highlights the Italian street artist’s unique creativity and cleverness. Good to see Blu making news for the right reasons, and not for getting his artwork […]
An animated typography interpretation of Conan O’Brien’s farewell address on his last day at NBC. Wow, truly bad ass. I’ve been with Team Coco since Day One (anyone who wrote the “Monorail Song” on The Simpsons has my eternal respect), and his humility and humor in the face of such a stunning career blow only […]
The kids over at Metaphilm have made a very interesting postulation: you know how the narrator in Fight Club doesn’t have a name? Some think this anonymity is to make him an “everyman”, but Metaphilm posits that’s not the case. What if the narrator is none other than Calvin, he of Calvin & Hobbes fame? […]
Man, watching the white-hot snorting disaster that is Charlie Sheen’s unraveling has become 2011’s most compelling train wreck. The whole meltdown received the inevitable Taiwanese animation treatment this weekend, and as can be expected its genius is unbridled. I get the “fire breathing fists” and the strumpet in the bikini — hell, even Chuck Lorre […]