10 May
"After a small, galaxy-sized battle in my heart…"

If you think of Thor when you hear the phrase “motion comics,” think again. Sure Thor is a motion picture based on a comic that’s based on a myth, and sure it’s pure fun to watch, but the world of motion comics is a whole other rodeo. Take The Angel: Motion Comic from writer/artist/creator Dean […]

Cheeming Boey has taken one of the most disposable, valueless byproducts of Western society and transformed it with substance and value. Boey performs his alchemy on these toss-away with beautiful, at times incredibly intricate pieces of art. Using only a Sharpie and sheer creativity, Boey’s unique choice of canvas has earned him the title of […]

30 Aug
Celebrating the Force with 42 Movement Sword Form

Created by animator John Leo, this is a CGI video of Darth Vader doing Tai Chi — specifically the 42 Movement Sword Form. Seeing as “Chi” is the Chinese word meaning “life force” — the energy created by all living beings — the link with Star Wars is especially salient. Yes, the video’s a bit […]