If you think of Thor when you hear the phrase “motion comics,” think again. Sure Thor is a motion picture based on a comic that’s based on a myth, and sure it’s pure fun to watch, but the world of motion comics is a whole other rodeo. Take The Angel: Motion Comic from writer/artist/creator Dean […]
"After a small, galaxy-sized battle in my heart…"
Cheeming Boey transforms the disposable into the priceless
Cheeming Boey has taken one of the most disposable, valueless byproducts of Western society and transformed it with substance and value. Boey performs his alchemy on these toss-away with beautiful, at times incredibly intricate pieces of art. Using only a Sharpie and sheer creativity, Boey’s unique choice of canvas has earned him the title of […]
Celebrating the Force with 42 Movement Sword Form
Created by animator John Leo, this is a CGI video of Darth Vader doing Tai Chi — specifically the 42 Movement Sword Form. Seeing as “Chi” is the Chinese word meaning “life force” — the energy created by all living beings — the link with Star Wars is especially salient. Yes, the video’s a bit […]