Brad Pitt stars as Jackie Coogan, a hitman for the mob from author George V. Higgins’ novel Cogan’s Trade, in the upcoming film Killing Them Softly. Directed by Andrew Dominik, whose previous two films have been pretty exceptional (Chopper and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, also starring Pitt), Killing Them […]
Brad Pitt stars in adaptation of George Higgins "Cogan’s Trade"
From Cyanide Gas Guns to CIA Rectal Escape Kits
WIRED has an excellent collection of Cold War Era Spy Gear posted, all originating from espionage works between the USSR and USA. A bunch of really cool pieces, such as a Turd Transmitter (a crap-shaped homing beacon spies would drop to transmit bombing targets to pilots) and a C.I.A. Rectal Escape Kit (both in gallery […]
The beautiful Martin Savannah Longbow
I’ve always thought, of all the ways to assassinate someone, the bow has gotta be a top option. Not that I’m in the market for a high profile political take down or anything, my mind just wanders and I think if I absolutely had to, say, I don’t know, take out that shitstain Muammar Gaddafi […]